
Nr 7, sub-pov, d/s, bondage, blood play, memory loss, drugs, religious atmosphere/rituals, knives, forced orgasm

A thick, warm and slow trickle. You feel it, or at least you know you must feel it after everything that happened. Hazy memories of waking up, suddenly finding your arms and legs restrained in an x (was it your memory or were you made unconscious? You can’t remember), only dim candle light illuminating the room. Voices chanting around you. Lines which you could barely make out through the light or your position on the floor. And pain, deep, burning pain as the metal cut into your flesh. Straight lines, curves, spaces, some deep meaning behind them? You don’t know, you can’t recall. Recall what? There’s just voices, burning pain, dripping liquid, humming. Humming? That didn’t fit, did it? But there it was, quietly working its way into your head past all those other things, taking those overwhelming feelings away. Focus. The light became friendlier, you look around, see a figure. Focus. She’s standing there, still dressed in a black and red hooded robe. Her hair is visible, as are the brownish-red trickles along her mouth. But so is her smile, are her eyes, friendly and warm as they look down upon you. “Good, you’re back with us” her voice says, pleasant, almost welcoming. She presses a button, you hear a “click” and the restraints come off. Still too numb to move you cannot help but slightly relax. Your eyes move around, trying to make out where that noise is coming from. She moves closer, sitting down on the floor next to you. And there it is, you see the wand she holds, large, massive even, how could you have missed it? “I am fed, you have done the part you were designated, created for” you hear her say as she touches your side and creates a sharp, electric trickle that floods your body. “Now it is time for your reward”. Still afraid, unsure what’s happening, you watch as she lowers it, not yet touching you though, only teasing. Her other hand wanders upwards, passing your shoulder, reaching your neck, staying there. “Just know this, I will make you cum, no matter what”. And as she finally lowers the wand, simultaneously grabbing you with the other hand, through all that stimulation one thing is for sure. That wasn’t a promise, not even a threat. That was a clear description of the future she intended to create.

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