
Nr. 6, sub-pov, d/s, bondage, fear play, guns,

One last tug and she lets go, finally finished. “Well then, let’s see what we can do with you.” Footsteps. She must be stepping in front of you but there’s no way to determine. You were shown a picture before being blindfolded and put here. Just a glimpse, a bit of food to jump your imagination, not more. But still, what a picture … A small shiver, her fingertips caressing your cheeks. Soft and slowly you feel them crawl their way downwards, starting just next to your ears and working themselves down. Her nails always in tow, gently announcing themselves to your skin without actually pressing. She reaches your chin and grabs it, still gently but definitely firmly. “Humour me. Get on your knees, will you?” Imagination runs wild, trying to compensate for what the eyes can’t deliver and so you imagine her look at you as she said that, all the while trying to get on your knees. Her hand moving with you, lazily pushing you down a little. “Hm, a good start at least” you hear her say, almost bored. She gives you a small nudge, then lets go entirely. You wait. Darkness, silence, nothing. Not even the sound of her shoes walking away. You start counting, not entirely sure what’s gonna happen next. Then terror as metal, the end of a cold and slim barrel, is pressed against your forehead.

“I’m not entirely sure you know what this is-“

Oh, you very much know, your old owner had one too -

“suffice it to say, this little thing allows me to take everything away from you. Now, I’m not sure what exactly you think you have done and how far I’m willing to go -”

How far? Oh, you’ve heard stories, stories of those who really did go all the way. And they’re the only thing pushing through the terror, they are the terror -

“Your last owner told me things, bad things about you. But let me tell you, I don’t care. You don’t serve a higher purpose, you’re not here to be formed. There’s no punishment, no purpose. I play with you, if only because I want to.”

A loud metallic click, a blinding light flooding your eyes, this is too much, this had to be it. Strength leaves you, thought leaves you, as you tumble down onto the floor, just lying there, trying to contemplate where all this has sent you.

Then a slap. You open your eyes. She smiles at you, shows you the gun.

“You’re fun. I think I’ll keep you.”

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