
Nr. 25, Be Careful What you Wish for, ES

CW: non-sexual non-con, transformation, entitlement, cruel delight, revenge-y

Vi scoffed inwardly, barely managing to hide a snort of pure disdain. But her eyes must have given something away, for the girl sitting opposite of her gave a smile bursting with smug indignation. Almost mockingly she said: “Surely, something like this wouldn’t be too much to ask of someone with your powers, right?” Vi sighed inwardly, this time carefully watching and checking her outward movements and signs though. The memory of ones such as this one was very vivid, despite most of her past being a foggy mess. Shrill laughter, eye-piercing colours, a feeling of superiority founding and surrounding their whole existence. An aura of arrogant entitlement comprising their entire identity. Well, sooner or later one of them would end up in that chair opposite of her in one of the many dim rooms she kept. After all, she wasn’t in hiding, why should she be? She smiled. This would be fun indeed. A black cat, smooth and shining hair covering its body, jumped onto Vis lap. After tracing a few circles it at last seemed to have found a suitable place to nap, finally falling asleep. Vi softly scratched and caressed it where she knew it liked it, softly smiling at it, before turning towards the girl opposite of her again. “So let me rephrase what you just told and asked of me. Your life as it was has started to bore you, it seemed unfitting to what someone like you should be entitled to. So one day, when you heard of me, you came running all the way here-“ “Oh no, you’ve got it all wrong, that would be horrible” a shrill, high pitched and confident voice interrupted, “You see, I’ve been all around the world, travelling through exotic places to learn and train from the best.” Vi waited patiently while the voice grabbed a mirror, doing whatever it was beings like her did, and patiently listened to the rumbling of education, degrees, looks, gossip, otherworldly experiences abroad and all those things girls such as her liked to ramble and brag about before tuning in at the end to “- and with this marvellous CV I think I deserve nothing less than the most perfect and fitting body your magic can provide, alongside the most luxurious comfort a position as higher up in this quaint little cottage of yours can afford me. That is, if you can afford me and my basic necessities.” Vi could barely suppress herself from laughter. This would turn out to be even more fun than she had imagined. Aloud she said: “are you entirely sure you know where you are and that this is the right place for a bra … sophisticated girl you?” Scoffing, the voice answered “well, if you don’t think you can handle me I can always take my offer elsewhere.” “Oh no, rest assured that will not be necessary. Your wish, as they say, is my command.” As she rang a bell a doll dressed in a black and white maids dress appeared. It looked at the girl opposite Vi, who flashed it a smile of smug delight, and almost instantly its eyes filled with hatred. Vi raised a hand and it relaxed. “Take her to her designated room and bring her the red potion, you know, the special one I prepared only for just this occasion.” Turning back, barely managing to hide the evil delight in her eyes she said: “tomorrow, the life you deserve finally begins.”

Vi woke up early that day. Next to her the black cat snored, its body moving up and down in a cute and steady rhythm. Next to the bed, in a small basket atop a wooden, dusty closet a white cat was doing the same. She smiled. As she got dressed and had one of her dolls bring her breakfast she heard a dull crash behind her, making her look back. And there it lay. With a look of shock and utter despair the white cat looked up at her while small shards of porcelain covered the floor next to it and a hole in one of its legs where the shards came from. Smiling, almost laughing, she bent down, picked up the mess and looked it straight in the eye. “A hole revealing the emptiness behind your pure and beautiful shell, on your first day at that. I think I will make you keep it, as a reminder of the fragility your whole made up existence entails. After all, your leg and body still work just fine, my spell will take care of that.” It continued to stare in shock at her, though as realisation slowly dawned its expression turned first into despair, finally becoming one of pleading agony. “Oh, but this body is just perfect for you. An exact expression of what you are and represent, just what you wished for.” She grabbed the cat by its neck and, pressing it onto her body, carried it back to the basket it came from, and continued: “don’t worry, I will keep you here only as long as it amuses me. And I don’t think one as hollow and shallow as you can do that for long. But please,” she finishes, as she lowers it back down, “do tell the others of what becomes of ever-pretentious things like you.”

Notes: As always it can be found on my mastodon under my hashtag with similar publishing date. Also as always: please feel free to interact, give feedback, comment, criticize and judge, especially given that this is "new territory" once more.

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