
Nr. 14 EmptySpaces (doll/witch, from a witch), speech format, abuse, psychological/physical violence, persecution

Declaration of the Witches Among You

Look at you, look at all of you! Feeling all powerful with your pitchforks and torches. Now look at that doll, cowering next to me, despite all the shackles you tried to put on it. Me, me of all beings! And yet it is exactly this one being standing in front of you that you claim is the monster and you with your violence who claim to protect this terrified doll. You talk of morals, of principles and all your little values. Of righteousness and order, of piety and honour, of the glory and value of everything you call life. All while spitting at it, torturing it, punishing it for its mere existence and robbing it of everything from purpose to thought. Only to haunt and further punish it for being this empty shell you created. And so it vanished, wandering aimlessly in the forest with nowhere to go. Why all this? Because your words are meaningless. Because your pledges are to those you deem worthy, deserving, and them only. Because you wanted to rule over it. Oh you tried, I’ll grant you that. Through force and intimidation. Yet your wounds did nothing but scar it. For you do not understand true devotion. And so it came to me, by chance if anything. Surely not through guidance or aim for it had none. And I took it in. Acknowledging it for what it is. Appreciating its mere existence. Allowing it to carry, to just have and for once truly feel its wounds without fear. I created it, in ways you will never comprehend through your ignorance. I gave it purpose. I play with it, sure. I use it, my word is its command, my content and pleasure its highest goal. But there is purpose in existing. I do not force its wounds to heal. I do not force it to be like you, to be what you claim is “human”. I do not twist words for oppressive pleasure and malicious cruelty. Call me names, call me twisted all you want but a twisted morality requires what you call morality to begin with. And I have none. Do you know why it cowers here, hiding behind me from the people who claim to fight for it? I gave it what your abuse and maltreatment could never force onto it. Trust. And from this trust came devotion. You don’t hate me for what I am. You hate me for what I have. And for through this possession exposing all your little lies, intrigues and deception. Go on, hate me. Hunt me, hunt all of us, do what you must. But it will never be enough. You will not find me. You will not kill me. I will harbour those little dolls who flee your world of falsehood and oppression. I will join with those who see your world for what it is. We will flourish in devotion and powers your minds will never dare comprehend. And you cannot stop us.

For we are among you.

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